Prayers of the People for Advent

I’m posting these a little late in the season, as this coming Sunday is Advent IV, but these were written for Evening Prayer on the first Sunday of Advent at St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church in Roanoke, Va. St. E’s hosts Evening Prayer every first Sunday of the month at 7 p.m., with music by Like the Moon, a Roanoke-based acoustic folk trio, and it’s an inspiring collaboration every month.

Let us pray together, responding to each petition with “Lord have mercy.”

As the day grows dim and the stars begin to appear in the sky, we await the coming dawn.
As the year grows older and the wind blows colder, we await the coming light.
In this season of Advent, grant us peace, grant us quiet,
grant us loving kindness as we await the promise of your kingdom.

For all those who are waiting during this season, for a child, for a job, for a diagnosis, for rest, for family, for answers to questions or for healing of hurt, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For our communities far and near: for this church, for this diocese, for this [city of Roanoke] and for our country, that good news may prevail and that people may be reconciled, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For those who minister to your people as they prepare for the coming season, those who ready the altar, who pray and preach, who teach or sing, who make coffee and sweep floors and care for this church and this hill. For those who make sure that the vulnerable among us are cared for, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For the healing of this land following earthquake and fire, for nourishing rains and gentle snows, we pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For those for whom the light is hard to see and hope is hard to find, for prisoners and the persecuted, for the oppressed and the afraid, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For those who are in physical or emotional pain during this season, who face illness and hope for health, for those that we now name aloud or in our hearts…   let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For those who travel and those who open their homes to travelers, for those who give and those who receive, those who prepare meals, for those who care for children and grandchildren, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For those we remember and wish were with us during these days, those that we name aloud or in our hearts…  that they are with you in the company of your saints and angels and that we will see them again, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

God, you sent us your son on a quiet night in a town miles and years ago, bringing with him the promise of love and peace and communion. Be with us throughout this candlelit season of Advent; inspire us to prepare ourselves and this world for this light in the darkness. Shine through us, we pray in the name of Christ.