Tag Archives: religion

To love is to see

Sermon at St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church in Roanoke, Va., on July 14, 2019, the fifth Sunday after Pentecost, two Sundays before the last Sunday before I stepped away from my work there as director of music in order to begin studies at Virginia Theological Seminary, as a postulant for holy orders (priesthood) in the Episcopal Diocese of Southwestern Virginia.


What must I do to inherit eternal life?”

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.
“Do this and you will live.”

Jesus reaches back into the Hebrew law to answer this.
But then, the lawyer asks a second question, maybe because, well, he is a lawyer.

continue reading.

Vote for the Human Family

For the past two years, I’ve watched, with many others, the normalization of hate, fear, gun violence, dishonesty, racism, sexism; attacks on citizens voicing their conscience, attacks on the free press, on good journalists who make it their job to be sure truth is known.

I’ve watched this country step away from our stewardship of the world – our fellow humanity, and the environment that sustains us – rolling back environmental protections, demonizing refugees and admiring leaders who do not value the human rights and equality our country names as its values.

continue reading.